BorsodChem-Krems Chemie
Formalin Ltd.

– BC-KC Formalin Ltd. – 

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About Us

  • Name of the Company
  • Year of Foundation
  • Seat of the Company
    3700 Kazincbarcika, Bolyai tér 1.

History of the Company


Company has been founded by BorsodChem Zrt. and the Austrian Krems Chemie GmbH

Currently it is owned by BorsodChem Zrt. and Dynea Hungary Kft. in 2/3 -1/3 proportion.

The Company’s formalin production facility is located at Kazincbarcika in the BorsodChem Industrial Park, which can be found on the premises of BorsodChem Zrt. Because of the location and owners of the plants the environment protection factors had already got an accentuated importance during the planning. As a result of this the established plants are fully comply with the current quality assurance, work safety, fire safety, environment protection, engineering and architectural requirements.

The foundation goal of the company in the year 1997 was to establish and operate a formalin plant with 40,000 ton capacity (calculated for 37% formaldehyde) in order to satisfy the formalin (solution of formaldehyde in water) demand of the owners.

The formalin produced by BC-KC Formalin Ltd. is used by the two owners in approx. 100 %.


Second Production Line

From 2006 the Company doubled its production capacity with the installation of a second production line as a part of an investment project started in 2005. As a result of this the Company is able to produce 100,000 tons/year formaldehyde calculated for the 37% formalin.


Third Production Line

From 2017. June the Company doubled its production capacity with the installation of a new production line as a part of an investment project started in 2016. As a result of this the Company is able to produce 200,000 tons/year formaldehyde solution calculated for the 37% formaldehyde.

  • The Company produces 50-53% formalin on the new production line in order to fulfill the demand of Dynea Hungary Ltd., as well as we supply on customer demand formaline of 10-53 % stabilised with methanol or without stabiliser.
  • The management of the Company regarding the quick solution of generally occurring problems in the environment, the compliance of the emerging challenges as well as the complete satisfaction of quality requirements specified by the customers as a great importance of its task. Therefore the Company continuously improves its management systems and certifies them by a third party.
  • We have built close cooperation with the Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering of the University of Miskolc in the field of energy management, innovation and research and development, as well as in connection with the utilization of carbon dioxide from our technology. In order to promote appropriate specialist training, we have also entered into a cooperation agreement with the university in the field of dual training. Accordingly, we undertake the practical education of students applying for this training in the coming years.

Staff and organization structure

The number of employees is 20. 3 persons are responsible for ensuring the licensing and compliance requirements of the company's activities, which include data registration, administration, organisation and operation, quality assurance, environmental protection, health and safety, fire protection, disaster management, transport of dangerous goods, safety technology suppliers and liaison with the authorities.
The production area employs 17 people, providing raw materials for production, ensuring production meets customer requirements, carrying out maintenance to specification and as required. This includes training new employees, preparing them to meet company requirements, learning the technology, managing the plants.

Activity and Technology

The main profile of the company: production, storage, preparation for sale and sale of formalin.

Another source of income of the Company is the utilization of the heat released from the technology by producing and selling steam to BC Zrt.

Both the raw material and the final product of the formalin production are under the regulation of the SEVESO III directive. According to Act CXXVIII of 2011 on Disaster Management our company registered as an “Upper tier” dangerous establishment therefore we have to comply with the relevant legal provisions. We conduct regular emergency drill to maintain employee vigilance under the Internal Security Plan.

Our company possess a valid Operating Licence, registered hazardous material safety data sheets, valid Chemical Safety Report - CSR, Internal Emergency Plan, Internal Damage Control Plan and Fire Protection Code.

We constantly follow the decisions of the European Chemicals Agency regarding the registration, production and use of hazardous substances.

Our product, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, is registered with the National Public Health Center according to current legislation. It is delivered to users outside the industrial park in the form and manner of packaging required by the applicable ADR (road) and RID (rail) regulations.


Our Product

Solution of formaldehyde in water up to 50% formaldehyde content stabilized with methanol, according to classification related to the transport of dangerous goods UN 2209 and UN 1198, depending on methanol content or without stabilizer approx. 1% methanol content based on customer’s specification.

Deliveries based on different customer specifications are made by road transport or by railway in tanks and in min. 1 m3 volume containers.

The packaging of formalin will be done with the packaging materials provided by the customer, which complies with the relevant rules and provisions in force and the properties of the dangerous material.

Our Company also can provide transport services /in case of deliveries made by road tanker or railway tank wagon/. In case of transports by road tanker, the compliance of the packaging material shall be ensured by the contracted shipping company based on the information /Safety Data Sheet/ provided in advance.

For road and railway transports all relevant ADR and RID rules in force shall be kept continuously. According to Government decree No. 25/2014.(IV.30.) NFM companies in the supply chain /supplier, transporter, customer/ have to employ a “Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor” (DGSA).

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